Elder Kennedy's Mission Scripture

Elder Kennedy's Mission Scripture:

Omni 1: 26

"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I swallowed a frog

Happy Fevereiro!!

So this week was fresh. It rained a lot and it was super hot, but Sunday was super nice breezy/calm. Sunday we had 5 investigators that went to church. We invited a woman to be baptized and she accepted!!! Please pray for Fátima, she will totally be baptized daqui a pouco, she just needs to stop drinking. Wilamis loves going to church with us. He just has a fear of making the commitment to baptism so soon. His whole family is addicted to coffee so we bought them Cevada which is a coffee like drink made from barley that doesn't have caffeine and is tasty and creamy kkk. 

No, I still haven't gotten any word on the package que demora essa!!! Então a gente está trabalhando muito, correndo atrás pessoal e pregando a palavra. (So we're working hard, chasing people and preaching the word).

We found a new investigator this week that is totally awesome and really likes discussing the gospel of Jesus Christ with us. Her name is Daniele and she has two sons. She couldn't make it to church last week but she will go this week for sure. The branch here is awesome! I love everyone here! Saturday we are going to have a sweet activity called a Gincana where there are 3 groups with everyone divided between the 3 groups. There is a list of objets/items and challenges that people need to bring and each item has a number of points. Por exemplo: the longest sandwich, biggest watermelon, references for the missionaries (address of the person and a day that the member can go visit them with us) oldest book of mormon, fun stuff like that. I had fun helping plan it with my comp and the Presidente do ramo. I think there is going to be a huge turnout. 

Oh yes! Dog story- So here there is like a sea of street dogs. About 2 weeks ago my comp and I were walking to church and we have a habit of petting and whistling to all the dogs that we see, and cats and horses kkkkkkk (don't worry, i'm being safe) so anyway, my comp whistled to this one dog and he started following us around and I was like "great he is going to want to enter into the church." So we tried to get him to go away but he wouldn't. We faked out like we were going to throw rocks at him because all the dogs here unfortunately recognize when someone is going to pick up a rock and throw it at them, anyway he ran about 3 meters and returned. We left the church lot and walked with him a little ways fake threw a rock again and we ran for the chapel hahah finally he left and ran behind some houses. kkkkkk. Anyway, a week went  by and we were walking and suddenly we saw that dog and he started following us the entire day! We passed by a members home that also has an investigator in the family and they fed the dog and gave him water then we finished the lesson and he followed us around until the day was done. hahaha I love that dog! I'm naming him "Old Greg" but it's been about 4 days since i've seen Old Greg. 

Oh yeah, here is another story. It rained a ton and one night there were like milhares de sapos on the ground (tiny tiny frogs) so I picked one up and then another and had like a handful of frogs hahaha I told my comp that I had swallowed a frog like 5 years ago at a church activity. hahah and my comp dared me to do it again, so I swallowed a frog kkkk. I didn't die.
By the way, these random stories are what you get when you ask for longer emails hahaha.

Love you all,

Elder Kennedy

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