Elder Kennedy's Mission Scripture

Elder Kennedy's Mission Scripture:

Omni 1: 26

"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Friday, April 19, 2013

Moving apt's and Pictures

Wooohooo, so sick Joe graduated and you all made it back to SD safe and sound! That’s sweet Joe got to see his mom. I bet he was super stoked and surprised.

I officially am 5 months into the mission!!!!!!! This past week was pretty slow and uneventful. My comp caught a virus and he has been sick since Tuesday. Yesterday and today he was starting to feel better. This week we are going to work Para Caramba! I believe we are also moving out of our house this week into a nice tranquil apartment that always has running water. 

Sunday was Stake Conference and President and Sister Lanius gave 2 awesome talks about missionary work. It was like an extension of general conference. 

You asked me to tell you what kinds of things I want you to send well... sunflower seeds- I’m all out. Aunt Jeanine sent me a sick package and it had sunflower seeds. Now I’m all out. Sunflower seeds don’t exist here, only for birds. My comp thought it was the weirdest thing when he first saw me eating them hahaha now he likes them too. I also want old spice deodorant. The deodorant here is mostly spray (which I have) and they have a weird stupid version of the under arm deodorant that I don’t like to use, so I’m down to my last stick of American legit Old Spice Deodorant. Oh yeah Ian will probably definitely want sunflower seeds sent his way whenever you guys send him stuff. He was an addict before the mission. Reeses are always good. If possible a bottle of ranch dressing. Ranch also doesn’t exist here. But not a big deal if you don’t send it. 

Everything is good and I’m not in real need of anything, just more baptisms. Pray for Ruan please he is a young man that we have been teaching for a while and all he needs is the desire to be baptized. I think he knows the gospel is true he just always says "not right now" when we challenge him to be baptized. We marked his baptism anyway for the end of this month, so we will see what happens. Renee, mom and Joe- Please send your new address of where you are living in La Costa. 

Tchau, cant wait to talk/ see you all in a month
Elder Kennedy

Here are some pictures Eric sent. Unfortunately we don't have descriptions to go along with them.

 Recife Brazil Temple

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